Suksawang, Nakin

Nakin Suksawang
Professor | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering
Contact Information
Personal Overview
Dr. Suksawang research focuses on developing advanced infrastructure materials such as high-performance concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete, and composites to meet the rigorous demands of the 21st Century through material science and engineering. Prior to joining Florida Institute of Technology, Dr. Suksawang was an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Florida International University. He has many years of teaching and research experiences in structural engineering, construction materials, and structural condition assessment. He has mentored over 20 graduate students both at the Master’s and Doctoral levels and published over 60 articles in journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Suksawang has also given over 30 presentations in the general area of concrete materials and structural condition assessment.
Florida Professional Engineer: License No. 75535
Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Fellow of American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Member of Chi Epsilon (XE)
Educational Background
Ph.D. Rutgers University 2006
M.S. Rutgers University 2002
B.S. Rutgers University 1999
Current Courses
CVE 3015 Structural Analysis and Design
CVE 4016 Reinforced Concrete Structures
CVE 4019 Timber Structures
CVE 5016 Advanced Reinforced Concrete
Selected Publications
- Suksawang, N.,Wtaife, S. and Alsabbagh, A. (2018) “Evaluation of Elastic Modulus of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete” ACI Material Journal, V. 115, No. 2, pp. 239-249 (Impact factor -0.99) DOI: 10.14359/51701920
- Ahmad, I, Suksawang, N.,Sobhan, K., Corven, J.A., Vallier, R., Sayyafi, E. A, Pant, S. (2018) “Developing Guidelines for Epoxy Grout Pourback Systems for Controlling Thermal/Shrinkage Cracking at Post-Tensioning Anchorages: Full-Scale Testing and Numerical Analysis” Transportation Research Record, pp. 0361198118755725 (http://doi.org/10.1177/0361198118755725) (Impact factor = 0.695)
- Mintz, B.*, Mirmiran, A., Suksawang, N.,and Gan Chowdhury, A. (2016). "Full-Scale Testing of a Precast Concrete Supertile Roofing System for Hurricane Damage Mitigation." Archit. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000209, B4016002. (Impact factor = 0.750)
- Mintz, B.*, Chowdhury, A., Mirmiran, A., Suksawang, N., and Kargarmoakhar, R. (2015). "Design, Development, and Testing of a Composite Roofing System." Compos. Constr., 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000605, 04015052. (Impact factor = 1.83)
- Jha, K.K., Suksawang, N., Lahiri, D. and Agarwal, A. (2015) “A novel energy-based method to evaluate indentation modulus and hardness of cementitious materials from nanoindentation load–displacement data,” Mater Struct 48: 2915. doi:10.1617/s11527-014-0367-7 (Impact factor = 2.453)
For updated list see Google Scholar
Recognition & Awards
- Advisor of the Year, The Office of Student Life, Florida Institute of Technology, 2016-2017
- U.S. Patent No. US 2016/0340904 A1 “Wind Resistant Concrete Roof Component and System and Method, for Forming Same,” United States Patent, Nov. 24, 2016
- Young Member Award for Professional Achievement, American Concrete Institute (ACI), 2010.
- Fellowship, Office of Science and Technology at the Royal Thai Embassy, $5000, 2008
- Faculty Member of Chi Epsilon (National Civil Engineering Honor Society), 2008
- Analyzing and designing fiber reinforced concrete structures.
- Use of fiber reinforced concrete in thin overlay and closure pours.
- Adhesive anchors
- Assessment of resistance factors and reliability index for existing structures and non-conventional materials
- Development of textile-reinforced concrete for structural applications.
- Service-life prediction based on real-time structural health monitoring data.
Research & Project Interests
- Concrete Materials
- Structural Health Monitoring and NDE
- Adhesive Anchors and Connections
- Structural Performance and Service Life Evaluation
- Advanced Infrastructure Materials
- Structural Reliability and Safety
- Double Composite Steel Box Girder Bridge