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Xianqi Li

Assistant Professor | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Mathematics and Systems Engineering

Program Chair of Operations Research

Contact Information


Generative AI Models; Linear/Nonlinear Optimization Methods; Statistical Inference ; Medical Image Analysis

Personal Overview

My principal research interests are in the areas of optimization, machine/deep learning, and data analytics. My research is mainly focused on designing models and algorithms with theoretical performance guarantees for challenging problems arising in imaging informatics and data analytics leveraging computational optimization techniques and machine/deep learning methods. 

I joined the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology as a tenure-track assistant professor in 2021. Prior to this, I was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Radiology, Mass General Hospital, Harvard Medical School from 2018 to 2021. I received my Ph.D. Degree in Applied Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics at University of Florida under the supervision of Prof. Yunmei Chen in May, 2018. My thesis Topic is "Fast first-order optimization methods with applications to inverse problems". I also obtained a master degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Florida in May, 2015 with speciality in machine/deep learning.

I am looking for highly-motivated students interested in collaborating on any of the topics mentioned above. If you're interested, please feel free to send me an email at x[lastname]@. Together, we can embark on a rewarding and enjoyable research journey!. 


Educational Background

Ph.D.,  Applied Mathematics,  University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2018

M.S.,   Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesvile, FL, 2015

M.S.,   School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX, 2009

B.S.,    Computational Mathematics, Liaoning University, Shenyang, China, 2007

Professional Experience

2021.08 - present:    Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Systems Engineering, Florida institute of Technology

2018.07 - 2021.08:   Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School

2016.01 - 2018.06:   Graduate Research Fellow, Informatics Institute, University of Florida


Current Courses


Spring, 2025

  • MTH 5335 - Nonlinear Optimization: Models and Methods
  • MTH 5051 - Applied Discrete Math


  • ORP 5091 - Special Topics in OR 2: Deep Generative AI Models
  • ORP 5003 - Operations Research Practice in Data Science (online)
  • MTH 4990 - Undergraduate Research


Previous Teaching

Fall, 2024: MTH 5225 - Linear Optimization: Models and Methods; MTH 5051 - Applied Discrete Math

Summer, 2024: ORP 5090 -  Special Topics in OR 1: Spatial-temporal Deep Learning Models; MTH 2401 - Probability and Statistics

Spring, 2024: ORP 5003 - Operations Research Practice in Data Science; MTH 5335 - Nonlinear Optimization; MTH 2401 - Probability and Statistics

Fall, 2023:  MTH 5411 - Mathematical Statistics I; MTH 5225 - Linear Optimization: Models and Methods 

Summer, 2023: MTH 5051 - Applied Discrete Math

Spring, 2023: ORP 5003 - Operations Research Practice in Data Science; MTH 5051 - Applied Discrete Math

Fall, 2022: MTH 3107 - Optimization; MTH 5051 - Applied Discrete Math

Spring, 2022: MTH 5335 - Nonlinear Optimization: Models and Methods

Fall, 2021: MTH 5225 - Linear Optimization: Models and Methods

Selected Publications

(^*:Corresponding Author; ^**: Co-first Author)

1. Y Shokrollahi, S Yarmohammadtoosky, MM Nikahd, P Dong, X Li*, L Gu*, "A comprehensive review of generative AI in healthcare", in review, 2024

2. TH Pham, X Li, KD Nguyen, "SeUNet-trans: A simple yet effective UNet-transformer model for medical image segmentation", IEEE Access, 2024

3. Y Shokrollahi, P Dong, C Zhou, X Li*, L Gu*, "Deep Learning-based prediction of stress and strain maps in arterial walls for improved cardiovascular risk assessment", Applied Sciences, 12/2023

4. X. Li, O. C. Andronesi, et al., "Deep learning super-resolution magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of brain metabolism and mutant isocitrate dehydrogenase glioma", Neuro-oncology advances, 05/2022

5. X. Li, O. C. Andronesi, et al., "Super-resolution whole-brain 3D MR spectroscopic imaging for mapping d-2-hydroxyglutarate and tumor metabolism in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1–mutated human gliomas", Radiology, 03/2020

6. S Basu**, X Li**, G Michailidis, "Low rank and structured modeling of high-dimensional vector autoregressions", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 01/2019

7. Y Chen, X Li^*, Y Ouyang, E Pasiliao, "Accelerated Bregman Operator Splitting with Backtracking", Inverse Problems and Imaging, 12/2017

8. Z. Qiao, X. Li, "An integrable equation with nonsmooth solitons", Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 05/2011

Recognition & Awards

1. Collaborative Research: Data-driven Realization of State-space Dynamical Systems via Low-complexity Algorithmsthe Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS), the National Science Foundation (award number 2410676), USA, Aug 2024-July 2027 (Collaborative PIs: Sirani Perera (Lead PI), Kshitij Khare at UF with the award number 2410677, Aaron Welters and Xianqi Li at FIT, with the award number 2410678)


  • Generative AI Models
  • Accelerated First-order Optimization Methods 
  • Vector Autoregressive Models
  • Medical Image Analysis
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